Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Easy chicken dinner

It is one of those nights where I have tons to do, little time to cook and about to cave in and get take away.
My husband is an athlete, therefore nutrition is quite important for us and he loves his meat. I didn’t do the groceries shopping in a while and I was left with little in the fridge (all taken care of right now).
My mum use to throw pretty much everything she could find in a tin foil wrap and cook it. I decided to do same and as it turned out, this was pretty good!

BBQ Chicken in foil

- Baby potatoes (any potatoes will do, I only had few baby potatoes left)
- Onions
- Chicken breast
- BBQ sauce (I used honey garlic)
- Salt and pepper

Thinly slice the potatoes and onions. Slice the chicken breast on small strips. On a sheet of foil, layer the potatoes and the onions. Put the chicken on top and add BBQ sauce. Neatly fold the foil so that there is no opening. Cook in the oven (or BBQ) for about 30-40 minutes at 350 degrees. Just be careful when you open the foil as a lot of steam will get out.

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